In order to address the challenges related to the efficiency and competitiveness of the company's operations in international markets, the company is carrying out a project under the progress measure No. 05-001-01-05-07 "Create a Consistent Innovation Activity Promotion System" activity "Promote the Development of Non-Technological Innovations (Central and Western Lithuania region)", during which it will implement original new product designs and organizational and process innovation solutions. These solutions will help the company attract more customers both in Lithuania and abroad, increase sales revenue, improve the efficiency of new product development, manufacturing preparation, and production itself, as well as increase the company's profit.

Project Title: Implementation of Non-Technological Innovations in Company Operations
Project Financed by:
European Regional Development Fund
Project Implementer:
A. Grižo Company
Project Objective:
To implement organizational innovations in processes, thereby increasing the company’s involvement in international value chains.
Project Activity:
Promote the development of non-technological innovations by creating and implementing new product designs, as well as implementing organizational and process innovation solutions (Central and Western Lithuania region).
Project Value:
470.643,24 EUR
Granted Support:
133.790,86 EUR
Project Start Date:
November 8, 2024

Estimated end of project implementation: November 8, 2026.

The project is implemented without partners.


A. Grižo įmonė implements the project „Installation of renewable energy resource production capacity“

Grižo įmonė implements the project „Installation of renewable energy resource production capacity“, which is co-funded by European Union funds. The goal of the project is to increase the production of the share of renewable energy resources in the final energy consumption.

During the implementation of the project A. Grižo įmonė will implement an energy efficiency measure in its activities - a solar power plant, which will create conditions for saving energy and reducing electricity costs. The implementation of the project will also contribute to mitigating Lithuania's impact on climate change, solving air pollution problems, and reducing energy dependence on imported energy resources.

Amount of project eligible costs – 489,764.71 euro

Amount of European Union funds  – 173,862.08 euro

The beginning of the project – July of 2023

The end of the project – July of 2025



A. Grižo įmonė implements the project "A.Grižas įmonė e-commerce model implementation"

Grižo įmonė has started the implementation of the project “Implementation of the e-commerce model of A. Grižo įmonė”, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as a measure of the European Union response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the implementation of the project, the company plans to implement e-commerce model solutions in its operations, which would enable to increase operational efficiency and sales revenue and successfully overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the project is the introduction of information technology for electronic business transaction management in order to increase the company's revenue growth.

Amount of eligible costs of the project – 66,275.00 euro

The European Regional Development Fund, as the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic – 49,706.25 euro

Beginning of the project – 1/03/2022

End of the project – 28/02/2023